Thursday, December 18, 2008
a family for the first time
We have gone through a life changing experience since Latasha’s diagnosis of leukemia in November. It as a shock, treatment was continuous and fast paced. She missed everything from prom to football games, trips and such that make your senior year of high school so fun. By God’s grace she is now on the road to recovery and has been in remission the past 2 months.
This trip has allowed us to vacation together as a family for the first time. Due to varying reasons we have never stayed away from home together on vacation. The hard work and dedication of Wayne, the staff, volunteers and donors have allowed us to breathe again.
We don’t know how to thank the many people who have made this wonderful trip possible. We have truly had a great time here!
Thank you again!
Lots of Love,
James Sr., James Jr, Lynn and LaTasha
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Words alone can’t express...
Words alone can’t express our gratitude. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! This vacation will be remembered for so long. So thank you for the memories that we have right now. The house is gorgeous! It was such a pleasure to stay here and spend time together. Watching the sunset out across the bay is an image that I’m sure we’ll remember for awhile. The neighbors were so sweet and kind.
Some of the activities that we did were jet ski, parasail, go on the O C Becket, play mini golf, go to the Jolly Roger Water Park, and much more! I’ll have to say the parasailing and jet skis are our favorite.
So thanks again for this amazing vacation! We sure do hope that many more families have the privilege to do what we got to do.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thank You, Gracias, Danke, Gracie
Words cannot express the joy we felt as we opened the door to this house. You have given us a wonderful haven to escape too. Wayne and all of your employees are exceptional.
At times we feel or felt unworthy to enjoy all of this wonderful gratitude, but as morning came and we rose to the sun rising over the bay we just smiled and said Thank You.
The Best Vacation Ever
Joe, Janice, Semone, Lauren, Nicholas and Joshua
Dear Believe In Tomorrow,
The Strawberry family would like to express its sincerest gratitude and appreciation for the heartfelt work of the Believe In Tomorrow National Children’s foundation. Through this phenomenal foundation my family and I have experienced some of the most rewarding, loving, and cherished vacation time ever. Our visits to the Believe In Tomorrow house on Wisp Mountain in Deep Creek, Md. were truly enriched and have provided many special and lasting memories.
We were introduced to your foundation because of our daughter Daryn, who was diagnosed at 18 months with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. Coupled with our strong faith and trust in God, the Believe In Tomorrow foundation has provided comfort, care and encouragement to what would be considered a long, hard journey. For that we are truly grateful.
As a family I can’t tell you how appreciative we are that you provided Daryn and ourselves a break from the routine of hospital visits and medicine regiments. It was an absolute joy to see the smiles created by the generosity provided through Believe In Tomorrow and to experience the beauty and richness of the open air at the Wisp Mountain house.
Keep up the great work.
Bernard, Charlene, Daryn & Lynell
Friday, October 17, 2008
We enjoy watching the boats and sunset on the deck.
The activities kept us busy but were enjoyable. The best part was getting together at the house by the sea for the Bar-B-Que enjoying every bodies company. We made new friends.
This opportunity for us to get away from all the stress of work, and treatments, it let us remember all the fun we had. Again Thank You.
Ryan, Amy, Emily and Justyn
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Fantastic long weekend!
Monday, October 6, 2008
A wonderful time
We got to do and see so much this week – we walked the boardwalk – visited the Coastguard – it was to rough to go for a ride – but we got a grand tour of everything.
The volunteers from the Ocean Pines Marina Yacht Club took us fishing and site seeing from the Ocean – We got to see some dolphins – which was amazing. We took a ride on the OC Rocket – and that was a rush – The cookout was awesome. Great Food – And Margaritas – The kids had a great time @ the magic show – arts and crafts – and lollipop the clown. All the kids and families were laughing and having a wonderful time – So good to see everyone laughing and having a good time – even through the rough times in our young ones lives – We learned a bit about Golf from Trish – Anyway – We had an absolute Blast – and never even imagined all of this— Thank you – Thank you – Thank you to all the volunteers- to Wayne – to everyone who helps keep Believe in Tomorrow alive – Thanks for making some Great Memories that will last a lifetime.
Love Jared, Jadon, Heidi and Jay
Friday, September 26, 2008
In one word – Perfect! The house is gorgeous, the weather was perfect, all of the activities and events were fun and enjoyed by our whole family. Thank you to everyone involved in this fabulous organization. We feel so lucky and thankful to have had this opportunity for the perfect family vacation. Since January when our son was diagnosed with
Friday, September 19, 2008
Our thanks go out to the Believe in Tomorrow organization. Wayne is really on top of things. He kept our 14 year old son busy with many activities. All the volunteers he has are wonderful people as well. We enjoyed the cookout, the fishing trip, golf, tennis and eating both crabs and Mexican food.
Our son Bobby was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma a year ago April. He has made many positive strides since then. I know he enjoyed himself as well. We look forward to returning someday.
Take care and Thanks again,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
We would like to thank all of you at "Believe In Tomorrow" for a wonderful beach vacation. The condo was fabulous and had everything we needed. Wayne and all of his staff were so nice. They had the whole week lined up for us and the kids were never bored.
Our son Cody has been thinking and saving for the beach ever since he relapsed last November. We were even late for check-in to the beach house by 24 hours because Cody was in the hospital with a fever. Cody has Stage IV Neuroblastoma for which there is no cure. We do not know what the future holds for our son. We cherish every moment we have with him, some are more stressful than others. That week gave us time to forget about the hospital and his treatments. The gift of great memories which you provide is invaluable. It's value can't be measured.
Cody started the next phase of his treatment in New York this week. It is an extremely painful treatment that he must endure. One thing is for sure, he has all of his great beach memories to get him through this. We can't thank you all enough.
Thank you!!!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
What you do is truly amazing

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
We had the most wonderful week. Everything was great. Thank you so much for allowing us to do all the wonderful things you provided. The kids loved the waterpark @ Jolly Rogers, and fishing on the boat. The cookout on 66th St was so much fun. Lollipop is the best! It is so nice that the volunteers donate their time and energy to families that have been through so much. Thank all of you again.
John, Brandy, Lil John, Athena, Paige & Maleah
Friday, August 29, 2008
WOW! What a terrific week
Thursday, August 28, 2008
This has been an exciting trip
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
You are all special angels
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thank you for EVERYTHING!
Thank you for caring
Hats off to everyone!
- Kailan's Grandma
With love and thanks
Wonderful vacation in Deep Creek

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Unforgettable week
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Just family together time!
I'm writing this note on the beach. It's the last day of our stay. Thank you for giving our family this wonderful vacation!
Next week I will reminisce of our carefree beach week at Ocean City, Maryland. No doctor appointments, work schedules or chauffeur duty! Just family together time!
Many thanks to your volunteers, staff and generous donors. Believe In Tomorrow's volunteers are all very kind, sweet people who are dedicated (and determined) to put smiles on our kids faces. Mr. Wayne Littleton has to be one of the best people we know. His kindness and compassion is truly one-of-a-kind. Mr. Littleton is Santa of the Beach although he doesn't look anything like Santa Claus.
Again, Thank you to all the very generous donors - people and businesses alike. What an action packed week you gave us!
The kids said their absolute favorite thing they did was spend 2 hours go carting. They had a blast. Joey, our 9 year old, loves the ocean. We spent many, many hours at the beach. It was great.
Ever since our oldest Jimmy age 14 was diagnosed with cancer our world has been turned upside down. We no longer called the shots of our day. Our schedule has been controlled by doctor appointments, chemo schedules and sickness.
This week was the best medicine for our family to focus on us - all of us. We used this week to enjoy each other and forget our crazy schedule.
Thank you for giving us some great memories. The pictures we took this week I'm sure will put smiles on our faces.
May God bless you all!
Patrick & Alyson, Jimmy, Carolyn & Joey
Carolyn <3
This time here in OC was great! The thing I loved the most was the great OC Rocket! I loved it! I loved the beach a little less than the OC Rocket!
Thank you Believe In Tomorrow! We had a wonderful time!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Priceless Memories
I wish I could do or say more than a simple thank you, but that's all I know and I hope each and every one involved in this knows how much we appreciate everything!
As wonderful as this was, we would be honored to be able to take a mountain retreat sometime.
Again, from the very bottom of our hearts, thank you! We appreciate it more than you will ever know!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Not a retreat, but a respite for my soul
Ever since the day of diagnosis, a single mother abandons everything. The comfort of her bed is exchanged for a hard folding chair in the hospital. The taste of food, all types of food, is concealed by the constant taste of coffee in the mouth to keep us going. The relaxing luxury of a bubble bath is replaced by a race of a shower listening for moaning pain of your child. You don't sleep. You just keep going because you have to. And you don't stop because you know that if you do - you won't start resting, but you will start sobbing until the sobs turn into cries and the cries turn into screams, and your son will hear you - and remember you are the "everything will be okay" mom. So you keep going, exhausted... and one day you decide to come to "Believe In Tomorrow."
When we opened the door of this unit #2 in the Believe In Tomorrow House By The Sea, we were greeted by the colors and the beautiful decorations. The yellow walls, the seashell lamps, the order and cleanliness of the unit, and the space was so inviting. You could smell the peace. You could touch the hope. You could embrace the moment.
For once in two years, I closed the door in a wonderful room of my own with an amazing bathroom, and I let the contained tears flow freely. My boys were sufficiently apart in an amazing and inviting bedroom equipped with nightlights that made them not fear the darkness. This was a safe place for me to let my feelings "unravel." A safe harbor. Not a retreat, but a respite for my soul.
In that master bedroom, the pictures of other families watched over me. I could hear their voices telling me "we understand." And I knew, they knew, and I realized I so much needed to stop. To stop thinking about death, if only for a week, and think about life. Let life hug me like a warm blanket in the freezing snow. And stay still...
What I've seen this week broke all the dreams that my imagination could handle: I saw my son turn into a pirate, a fisherman, a golfer, a speedboat "captain," a seagull, a dolphin, a Coast Guard member, a biker, a mermaid... but most of all I've seen him surf.
My son does not swim, not even float. When I stood on that beach at eight in the morning and I saw his silhouette against the blue sky on a blue surfboard over the waves... and it was real - I could not believe my eyes. Who could have told me a year ago in a hospital room where my son was struggling for his life... that I would see him surfing?
Believe In Tomorrow? I'd better start saying I cannot even believe in this week of a piece of heaven on earth where I've seen my son Living and my thoughts of death have become quieter and the waves of life entice me to press on.
I believe in today. I believe in this week. And the memories of these days I hope will never grow weak, but become stronger as I learn to trust each day to god and believe in tomorrow.
Thank you.
Thank you for sweet dreams within these walls. I can breathe better now. The magic of the dolphins hoping behind my surfing kids is a picture that I will cherish all my life.
Friday, August 1, 2008
It was amazing...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thank you so much for a fantastic week! Coming into this week, we had no real idea of what a treat we had in store for us! You far exceeded our expectations! The use of the condo on the beach was dream enough , but all the additional activities just blew us away. Golf, fishing, the Coast Guard visit, tennis, bike riding, dinners out, putt-putt golf, the Pirate Adventure - all served to make this a week to remember! More than that, you gave us a week of "normal" and we can't even begin to describe how special and priceless that was to us. Matt smiled ear to ear when he arrived at the condo, and didn't stop smiling until we realized our dream week was over.
From the bottom of our hearts - thank you for the absolutely fantastic week. It was a priceless experience and we thank all who volunteered their time and services to give Matt and our family a week we will never forget.
May God bless you all.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Healing for the soul
Besides all the wonderful goodies, treats, food and fun you spoil us with. Besides the fact that you let us be by the beautiful ocean which heals our souls and soothes our nerves, and you allow Gabe his hyper self to just be. Besides all this - you give the best medicine, the most potent chemo, the strongest drug that there is for healing - Joy, Happiness, Love.
Always, Always Believe
Love, Love, Love
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Words can't express...
To Wayne and the Believe In Tomorrow Children's Foundation
I would just like to say thank you so much, words can't express how grateful we are and how much we appreciate what you've done for us. Ocean City is Antwon's favorite place to vacation. He loves to fish day and night. I love it because it's relaxing and peaceful. It's really nice to get away for a week and just relax and not worry about anything. The house is amazing and beautiful. You guys did a amazing job with the house. It's like living in a dream. Thank you so much for the gift basket, he really liked it. Please thank the merchants that donated for the families. And thank you for all of the activities. Antwon has had a rough time of it, and more of it to come. So thanks so much for letting us stay here and relax for awhile and forget.
Jackie, Anthony, Antwon and Family
P.S. Wayne your heart is like an angel. Thanks so much.
Monday, July 28, 2008
We had a blast!
Friday, July 25, 2008
So much fun
I really enjoyed my stay here in Mallard Lakes. I really liked watching the geese and ducks. The baby geese were soooo cute! I had so much fun and can't wait to come back soon!!
Love Alexandria
I loved my stay! Thank you!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Peaceful, beautiful, and relaxing
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
A vacation to remember!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Thank you for your generosity
Hello my name is Kendall and my family will like to thank you for all the fun we had this week. We went to the beach, the boardwalk, lots of restaurants, and more. We thank you for your generosity. I have to say McKenzie, my sister, had a blast!!
Kendall, McKenzie, Larry, Michelle
Friday, July 18, 2008
Cherish our time
We want to thank Wayne and all of the volunteers for their hard work and dedication. We had no idea what pleasure we were in for when we came to the beach. Everyone was extremely generous and friendly. Our son was able to "show Maeve the beach" like he wanted to even though he otherwise been unable. Your generosity is almost overwhelming with all the activities offered and such a beautiful house to stay in. We have made memories that will last forever. Maeve LOVED the beach and all of the activities our family did. She loves "DOING" - anything - she gets so excited at her young age of 10 months just watching people and having the whole family together. I am sad we have to leave tomorrow because of work schedules but will forever cherish our time spent here. The people who donate their time and dinners, photography, golf etc. will never know how grateful we truly are.
Thanks again,
Maeve (10 months)
Patrick (5 years)
Mom & Dad
Thursday, July 17, 2008
We are so grateful
Dear Folks at Believe In Tomorrow,
Thank you so much for everything you do and have done for us! This is our first family vacation since Anna was diagnosed three years ago (except her MAW trip) and we have so thoroughly enjoyed every moment, every activity, and being completely spoiled by everyone. It has provided a wealth of incredible memories with Anna that my kids and I will never ever forget. How incredibly blessed we are to have found BIT and all the wonderful staff and volunteers that have made this all happen. We are so grateful for everything you have given us here - that between doctor visits, blood draws, chemo, radiation, hospital stays, ER's, fevers, scans and everything else that has completely taken over our life, it is such a joy, pleasure and relief to forget about it all for a week. Even just a short period of time - a week - is such a long time for us, not having to deal with the daily reminder of cancer.
So - thank you for a wonderful time and the wonderful people we have met that have touched our lives and hearts and will remain there forever!
Thank you for all you do!
Liz, Anna & Family
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wayne and Staff,
As we prepare to leave - we can say "we did it." We've never traveled with Hannah in the nine years we have been blessed to have her. Her health has always just been too precarious. When she started receiving palliative care we knew it was time to make our memories. Memories we have now thanks to all of you and the wonderful foundation. We couldn't have asked for more generosity, warmth and love. We have heard many good things about Believe In Tomorrow from several of our friends but the actual experience does not compare.
This week has been relaxing and our first experience as a family away from home and the hospital. A week of "first things" for Hannah - like putting her feet in the sand and riding the Ferris Wheel - YEAH.
Please express our thanks and love to all the volunteers and donors from the community who make this program possible. The Coast Guard ROCKS! What a thrill that was. We can't wait to come back! :)
Dan, Shelle & Hannah
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Mountain retreat
Dear Believe In Tomorrow Staff and Volunteers:
We can't thank you enough for giving us this wonderful vacation. We have not had this much relaxing fun and loving time together, just the four of us in almost 2 years.
The house is beautiful and filled with great things to keep the kids - and adults - busy! We got to do a little of everything, both in the house and around the resort and lake.
We are so appreciative of the generosity of Wisp Resort. Max and Ann were very kind and attentive to us.
Olivia was finally able to make one of her wishes come true - to be able to ride a horse. It was so exciting for her and we thank Western Stables for their generosity as well.
We are sad to be leaving but look forward to coming back next year if possible. We hope all other families have as much fun as we did.
Thank you so much!!
Patty, Brian, Alexis & Olivia
Monday, July 14, 2008
A retreat from everyday trials
Thank you once again for a wonderful week. We don't want to go home but all good things must end, we guess.
This is truly a retreat from all the stress, troubles and everyday trials that we must go through. The ocean truly soothes us and we feel truly blessed to have had this opportunity.
Thank you for understanding and caring about our special circumstances and making special accommodations. I don't think you will truly understand how grateful we are. We had such a fantastic time. It felt like a home away from home because we felt so comfortable.
May God bless each and every one of you who have made this vacation possible.
Love always
Friday, July 11, 2008
1 week without worries and stress!

Dear Wayne, Dawn, & Every Volunteer,
In my world full of fighting; fighting everyday to keep Colton alive, fighting with insurance companies, scheduling over 75 hours of paid professionals in our house in one week, and everyone in our family feeling the fatigue, this, our CHBTS is the only true break we all get once a year. And we don't have to fight for it!
Thank you so so much for such a fantastic program, home, and vacation. Ahhh! 1 week without worries and stress! You guys rock!
Lots of love and blessings,
Jeff, Christina, Andrew, Colton, Chad, Anna, and Grandma Linda
P.S. Beautiful quilt, thank you!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Celebrating life
How great is this? Our 3 year old has been singing for 2 days! She sings "I'm so Happy." She will never forget this experience... ever!!!
Thank you for letting us celebrate life together & be a family.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Week of resting, relaxing and healing
Dear Wayne and Wonderful Volunteers,
We can not thank you enough for this beautiful week of resting, relaxing and healing. Our 14 years with Claire have been the best years of our lives but there is no denying that it can be difficult, painful and exhausting at times for all of us.
Believe In Tomorrow always helps us heal, renews our spirits and recharges our batteries. The privacy away from the nurses, therapists etc - to just be a family is priceless.
Claire enjoyed all the mommy cuddle time, the beach wheelchair walks by the water, snuggles under umbrellas, book reading, dinner at La Hacienda, baking cookies and going to the boardwalk.
Mollie celebrated her 18th birthday and got to be the center of attention (for once!) She especially loved her dinner out at La Hacienda -- what a nice owner!! He picked up our entire tab! She also enjoyed sleeping in, the beach, boardwalk and WIFI!!! Yippee!
Fiona enjoyed precious time with her mom and dad, toss the lacrosse ball, quiet one on one talks, dinner out, the boardwalk and tanning with her mom. We found special seashells and stones to remember this week.
Pat and I loved life slowing down, quieting down - being able to step back and see each other and our children. They are all priceless, precious, perfect human beings. We are all so blessed to have each other. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts, warm hugs and welcome. Thank you for taking such good care of us.
We love you all!
Lisa, Pat, Mollie (18), Claire (14) & Fiona (12)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
What a retreat!
It is our first time to stay in the Believe In Tomorrow House By The Sea retreat. What a retreat! It is a wonderful place and wonderful people.
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to enjoy this time.
Monday, July 7, 2008
4 wonderful days
Thank you for giving us 4 wonderful days at your House By The Sea. It provided many firsts for Daniel since his injury as well as for our family.
This was Daniel's first overnight stay away from the hospital and therapy setting since last May. With your beach wheelchair he was able to go onto the beach again that he loves so much. With your indoor pool pass he was able to go swimming for the first time since last June. The Independence in mobility that your porch lift provided gave him an additional sense of Independence.
You have done an awesome job providing all the accommodations for a person with SCI - right down to the tub chair! This is much appreciated since we already have out hands full carrying all the medical supplies and equipment needed. We hope to come again!
Daniel, Mary Ann, Rachel, and Grandma too!
Thank you for letting me stay hear. I had a wonderfull time. Thank you for having a beach chair and the elvator for my brother. Hope I could come back some time.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
OC Rocks!
Thanks again-
Michelle, Bonnie, Karina, Karly, Jordan and Nikeisha
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
More than we could have asked for
The first day we got here, received our key and meet some volunteers, we never could imagine what our week held for us. The house was so much more than we could have asked for. Weather has been great during the day and cool at night with some major thunderstorms.
A highlight of Ian's time here was going on the Coast Guard ship and while out at sea they allowed him to man and steer the ship from the captain's chair. :)
Every person we have come in contact with have been such kind and wonderful people. This week will stay with all of us for a life time, even though we remain having to do the everyday things for Brade with his ventilator and surgeries. Just taking the time and letting the ocean breeze hit our faces makes it easier to keep doing it.
The word thank you seems so easy to say but its the only one that expresses how we feel. Wayne - you are an angel for all you do. Your smile brightens up a room. Thank you for that. We also had the pleasure to meet 2 other families that will be friends forever.
Dinner at La Hacienda was wonderful. The last day we went para-sailing - Brade, Ian, Steve and I. What a relaxing feeling 800 ft up in the air.
We hope to come again.
With much love.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
wonderful weekend
Monday, June 30, 2008
Just so thankful
Thank you
Friday, June 27, 2008
Helping families bond and relax
Thank you for providing a place for families to go and forget about their worries. The Believe In Tomorrow House By The Sea is one of the most inspired programs to help the children who are ill along with helping the families bond and relax. It had been a wonderful weekend for Nicholas and I to spend time together - it's hard as a blended family with one child who has autism and another child who has been battling his cancer for the past 3 1/2 years to find time to just relax. You and your group of volunteers are able to do that with all the wonderful things you guys think of. We had good weather, went to the boardwalk, played mini golf (Nick and I tried with a 38 - we did good and had a blast!). We even went to this library in OC to work on a paper Nick needs to get done. The dinner out was outstanding - it's now Nick's new favorite place! As the weekend come to an end, I find that I already miss being here - just relaxing and enjoying each other. It's the little things like staying up and watching a movie together or just doing things with your family. No work or other interruptions taking away your attention.
We love you guys and hope you'll invite us back for another visit soon!
- Mary, Fred, Kathryn, Shanna, Freddy & the Main Man Nicholas
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Awesome time!
Monday, March 10, 2008
A winter retreat
We wanted to thank you for the wonderful time that you made possible. The coupons, t-shirts, but most importantly the living arrangements. My wife and I were amazed and very pleased with everything. We had a winter retreat that was very much needed. Words can't express our gratitude and we look forward to coming back.
God bless you,
Jason, Regina, Annastaesha & family
"a quick spring getaway"
We've spent most of our time indoors, and thats been just fine. We've played games, watched movies and enjoyed our lovely surroundings.
Today we had lunch out and that was a nice treat. The service was excellent, and the resort staff has been so professional and helpful. (Thank you Max and Kelsie!)
Tonight, our last night, my daughter and I will go tubing while the others stay home and hang out - we're really a lazy bunch. But I guess that says a lot about the accommodations! The house is a really nice place to be - my favorite spot is a chair in front of the fireplace.
On behalf of my entire family I want to again thank the Believe In Tomorrow program staff and volunteers for all you do and making this program possible. This is the second and last time we have been the grateful recipients of the program. Last August we were guests at the Beach House - it was wonderful, beyond our expectations and a thrill to be at the ocean. This time, we've taken a quick spring break getaway for 3 days. Both experiences are ones that we financially wouldn't have been able to do with our kids otherwise and we are profoundly grateful for the generosity and support that make Believe In Tomorrow possible.
This April we will celebrate one year of post-chemo living! Our daughter is strong and healthy and enjoying life. Words fail to express the gratitude we feel to be at this place in our lives - God is good.
Therefore - we are "turning in" our Believe In Tomorrow privileges and blessing to the next family who can benefit from the blessings of Believe In Tomorrow - a place to rest, regroup, refresh and renew in the midst of tough times, with the hope that they too will "graduate" from Believe In Tomorrow and pass it on. Our prayers to all the families who walk through Believe In Tomorrow's doors.
Thank you
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
"This place is incredible"
Yesterday we learned to ski, snow tubed and rode the mountain coaster. What a wonderful day! Today we are going to see the Huskies.
Thank you for helping our special children!
Bill, Jody and Clayton
Friday, January 25, 2008
A Fantastic Week
My Son has had a grueling year with hospital stays, chemo treatments, shots, and way more than any 6 year old should have to go through. You gave us a week to forget all. A week of skiing, playing in the snow, snuggling near the fire, endless games of Monopoly, 20 Questions, and Yahtzee which delighted our little one as well as the rest of the family. Max was an angel, a snow angel!! He rocks! He took such great care of us, I can't say enough of how thoughtful he was. The new year started fantastic for us up here in Wisp, Deep Creek, and let's hope the rest of the year is as fabulous!
Love to all from, Lisa, Jim, Chris and Mikey!! :)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wisp Mountain - just what we needed
We had a rough Christmas/New Years with our son being in the hospital. It was a lot of stress on the whole family and this is just what we needed to get our life back where it should be. We wish our weekend would never end. We made some great memories here that we will never forget.
Thanks to all,
Rich, Carole, Steve, Ryan, Rachel