Friday, January 25, 2008

A Fantastic Week

To Believe In Tomorrow Folks:

My Son has had a grueling year with hospital stays, chemo treatments, shots, and way more than any 6 year old should have to go through. You gave us a week to forget all. A week of skiing, playing in the snow, snuggling near the fire, endless games of Monopoly, 20 Questions, and Yahtzee which delighted our little one as well as the rest of the family. Max was an angel, a snow angel!! He rocks! He took such great care of us, I can't say enough of how thoughtful he was. The new year started fantastic for us up here in Wisp, Deep Creek, and let's hope the rest of the year is as fabulous!

Love to all from, Lisa, Jim, Chris and Mikey!! :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wisp Mountain - just what we needed

What a beautiful place! Our family was so surprised. Thank you to all who support Believe In Tomorrow.

We had a rough Christmas/New Years with our son being in the hospital. It was a lot of stress on the whole family and this is just what we needed to get our life back where it should be. We wish our weekend would never end. We made some great memories here that we will never forget.

Thanks to all,
Rich, Carole, Steve, Ryan, Rachel