Friday, December 5, 2008

Dear Believe In Tomorrow,

The Strawberry family would like to express its sincerest gratitude and appreciation for the heartfelt work of the Believe In Tomorrow National Children’s foundation. Through this phenomenal foundation my family and I have experienced some of the most rewarding, loving, and cherished vacation time ever. Our visits to the Believe In Tomorrow house on Wisp Mountain in Deep Creek, Md. were truly enriched and have provided many special and lasting memories.

We were introduced to your foundation because of our daughter Daryn, who was diagnosed at 18 months with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. Coupled with our strong faith and trust in God, the Believe In Tomorrow foundation has provided comfort, care and encouragement to what would be considered a long, hard journey. For that we are truly grateful.

As a family I can’t tell you how appreciative we are that you provided Daryn and ourselves a break from the routine of hospital visits and medicine regiments. It was an absolute joy to see the smiles created by the generosity provided through Believe In Tomorrow and to experience the beauty and richness of the open air at the Wisp Mountain house.

Keep up the great work.

Bernard, Charlene, Daryn & Lynell

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