Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just family together time!

Dear Believe In Tomorrow,

I'm writing this note on the beach. It's the last day of our stay. Thank you for giving our family this wonderful vacation!

Next week I will reminisce of our carefree beach week at Ocean City, Maryland. No doctor appointments, work schedules or chauffeur duty! Just family together time!

Many thanks to your volunteers, staff and generous donors. Believe In Tomorrow's volunteers are all very kind, sweet people who are dedicated (and determined) to put smiles on our kids faces. Mr. Wayne Littleton has to be one of the best people we know. His kindness and compassion is truly one-of-a-kind. Mr. Littleton is Santa of the Beach although he doesn't look anything like Santa Claus.

Again, Thank you to all the very generous donors - people and businesses alike. What an action packed week you gave us!

The kids said their absolute favorite thing they did was spend 2 hours go carting. They had a blast. Joey, our 9 year old, loves the ocean. We spent many, many hours at the beach. It was great.

Ever since our oldest Jimmy age 14 was diagnosed with cancer our world has been turned upside down. We no longer called the shots of our day. Our schedule has been controlled by doctor appointments, chemo schedules and sickness.

This week was the best medicine for our family to focus on us - all of us. We used this week to enjoy each other and forget our crazy schedule.

Thank you for giving us some great memories. The pictures we took this week I'm sure will put smiles on our faces.

May God bless you all!
Patrick & Alyson, Jimmy, Carolyn & Joey

Thank you so much for allowing us to come down here. I love coming here! Thank you for giving us wonderful things to do while we were here. It was a blast!
Carolyn <3

This time here in OC was great! The thing I loved the most was the great OC Rocket! I loved it! I loved the beach a little less than the OC Rocket!

Thank you Believe In Tomorrow! We had a wonderful time!