Friday, May 29, 2009

...came to our family's rescue

"Thank you" just doesn't seem sufficient. Believe In Tomorrow has helped our family more than you can imagine over the past 2.5 years. Having a child diagnosed with cancer literally rocks your world. You lose a sense of balance and of peace. During the most difficult times, Believe In Tomorrow came to our family's rescue. Your respite homes gave us the opportunity to enjoy each other, have fun together, and regain that sense of balance and peace. We have been blessed with the opportunity to visit each of your homes and each time we have gone home rejuvenated, re-connected, rested and with memories that will last a lifetime. This trip will probably go down as the best of all - to see our son finally off chemo and enjoying life was wonderful!! He is truly blossoming right before our eyes. So, though it doesn't seem like enough - THANK YOU!! Believe In Tomorrow has blessed our family and we appreciate everything everyone has done for us!!

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